Market Research
An important data collection tool is CAPI market research and is used to carry out face-to-face research. It mostly uses a tablet. Toplans company has more than100 specialized CAPI research tablets available for use in projects.
There are many advantages that CAPI offers over traditional paper-based surveys, including:
- Giving the possibility of Dynamic Quota Management: This allows for a much more managed approach to research with the use of multiple interviewers over different geographic locations. CAPI allows for real-time visualization and also gives the possibility of a close certain survey; whereas, in paper-based research , the paper needs to be taken back to the office in the first place to further step ahead in the research.
- The advantage of Electronic Data Format: the other advantage is that also there is no need for punching data from paper to electronic formats for analysis. This way, the chance of making an error when copying from one format to the other diminishes, and it also saves a large amount of time and money in the end.
- Minimizing Potential Error: This approach also limits the potential for interviewers’ errors with routing during a survey. For example, a survey can be designed to automatically route respondents according to their previous responses, which removes the need for an interviewer to go to a certain question as it is the case with a paper survey. This means that complicated routing can be applied in the background which will result in making the interviewer’s job easier.
- Making Automatic Text Substitution: Responses that have been made to previous questions (a desirable brand as an example) can be substituted in to the next questions automatically; this removes the need for recall for the interviewer and the respondent.
- Randomizing the text automatically : Lists can be randomly ordered for every respondent, which minimizes the chance of causing bias.
- Engaging the respondent: stimulus such as (videos, logos, audio for instance) can be shown by the CATI tablets, which can give a better representation of a product or brand for instance; another advantage that it offers is reducing survey fatigue which is usually common during long face to face surveys.
Alongside offering some advantages considering reliability and quota control, CAPI market research is a more modern version when it comes to comparison with the paper questionnaires. Taking that into consideration, CAPI can be a good choice for image conscious brands who don’t want paper and pen to create a negative figure.